Sunday, April 5, 2009


In my branch of the family, I am the official testor of all new types of food, snack, main menues, new drinks, juice, soda, tea. I have been the go to person for the grandkids. In fact my kids have often used me to test or encourage their children's eating habits. This is a very honorable job and one I have taken great care to ensure that I never lead them astray. Of course when we were throwing newspapers during the nine years that I did this and they visited we sometimes had some strange things for breakfast. but be that it as it was. We always went to the store to check out new main menu things.

But when Shea posted the picture of the sweet potato and how the boys loved them, I had to think if we had ever tried them. I quickly did a survey among the grandkids and they informed me we had not done them as fries , I felt duty bound to try them. So I bought some frozen ones and have now tried them. they are delicious. I would definitely give them a two thumbs up .

See you never know how your blog may change the world, even if it only a small corner at a time

1 comment:

M and M said...

Yuck, sweet potato fries!!! Sweet potato anything - YUCK!